
4Cs Food Pantry

Portage Faith supports the 4Cs Food Pantry in Mantua by hosting a collection site at the church for food donations that are then delivered to the 4Cs Pantry. Donations can be dropped off during regular office hours or on Sundays.

Originally named the “Crestwood Coalition for Community Care” when formed in 1981, and now known simply as 4Cs, this food pantry provides food on an emergency basis to needy families in the Crestwood School District. The pantry is not a federally funded agency – it relies exclusively on the support of the community for donations of money, food, and supplies. All the churches, civic groups, and schools in the Crestwood community have generously and continuously supported the 4Cs with fundraisers and food drives through the years.

Especially during this season of cold weather, donations of nonperishable food, paper products, and personal care items are needed to help keep the 4Cs well stocked for giving to those in need.

Service at Portage Faith Church, Mantua OH

Donations can be brought to Portage Faith Church and placed in the shopping cart near the front entry any Sunday.

Thank you for your generosity!

Prayer Chain

Our Portage Faith Church Prayer Chain is a source of comfort and blessings to many in need of the power of prayer. Your offering of prayers for others in need is appreciated!

You can also submit prayer requests by:

  • Writing it on the church prayer card during worship service (check the box “Add to prayer chain”); or
  • Contacting Cindy Pearce at 330-274-0507 to inform her that you would like to be a prayer warrior.

All are welcome to participate in this uplifting and empowering action of faith!

©2024 Portage Faith UMC • Mantua OH • All Rights Reserved

Improvement Projects

The Utility Fund is a whole-church project dedicated to upgrading our water and sewage utilities. Water lines are expected to reach Portage Faith by late 2025. Continued financial support through contributions is very much needed and appreciated. For more information, contact Tom Kennedy (330-388-1356) or Rick Bahr (330-527-4499).

Got Scrap? The United Methodist Men would like to take it off your hands. The United Methodist Men’s Scrap Drive has been a great fundraiser. For pickup, call Tom Kennedy (330-388- 1356). Watch for updates about this fundraiser under Service & Fellowship Updates on our Member Info page!

Fabric by ArtMew from

Blessing Our Community

During Fall 2024, members of Portage Faith Church donated the following to our local community’s needs:

  • 9 blankets/afghans to Freedom House in Kent OH, a veteran’s shelter;
  • 8 lap quilts to Miller Community House in Kent OH, the homeless shelter; and
  • 11 baby, youth, and lap quilts to The County Clothing Center in Ravenna OH

A card attached to each blanket read “This blanket was donated by a member of Portage Faith UMC” and then we followed up these gifts with a blessing prayer for each recipient.

©2024 Portage Faith UMC • Mantua OH • All Rights Reserved

Book Club

Our Portage Faith Book Club meets the second Tuesday of each month in the Church Library at 10:00 am.

All are welcome – please join us!