Service & Fellowship
“The heart of Christian ministry is Christ’s ministry of outreaching love.”
United Methodist Church
At Portage Faith Church, we delight in caring for and serving others through fellowship. As a result, the following Adult Groups meet on a regular basis to celebrate and nurture our positive relationships and to serve our community neighbors and friends.
Mary Martha Circle
Our Mary Martha Circle was established as a fellowship group for the women of Portage Faith Church. The fellowship of the group is based on support for each other and service to others. Members help with church dinners, present programs, host picnics, and participate in monthly mission projects, as well as enjoying a variety of other activities.

Hope Circle
The Hope Circle meets on the fourth Thursday of every month at 12:00 pm in a member’s home or at Portage Faith Church. They enjoy fun, fellowship, and friendship within the group and are involved in service projects, craft projects, and enjoy special programs. In the photo above, the Hope Circle enjoys a Winter Tea Party.
United Women in Faith
The United Women in Faith (UWF) meets on the fourth Sunday of each month, including breakfast typically at 7:30 am followed by devotions, a business meeting, and program. All women are invited to attend the monthly meetings, to grow together in faith, and participate in service to our Portage Faith Church family.
United Methodist Men
The United Methodist Men (UMM) is a ministry group for the men of Portage Faith Church. It is an active group that believes in food, fun, and fellowship. Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month. The UMM men meet at 7:30 am for breakfast followed by a meeting and a speaker. They also assist in keeping the church maintenance costs down by having monthly work days.