Portage Faith Church offers a weekly Sunday Worship Service at 9:30 am ET that includes gospel lessons and singing of a blend of familiar hymns and contemporary praise songs to praise God. Music is led by our Praise Band.
There is no dress code. You are invited to dress however you want that expresses how you feel comfortable – whether you’d prefer to be casual or not. You’ll encounter people wearing different attire from suits to shorts, dresses to jeans, and cultural clothing from different parts of the world.
We follow a four-fold order of worship:
- Gathering – We come together in praise and worship as the body of Christ.
- Proclamation – We hear the Scripture read and a sermon preached to apply the Word of God in our lives.
- Response – We respond to the Word of God through our Offering, Holy Communion, and Affirmations of Faith, along with other liturgical acts.
- Sending Forth – We are sent out into the world with a charge and a blessing to be the hands and feet of Jesus to transform the world.
We celebrate Holy Communion during our Worship Service on the First Sunday of each month.
Parents who wish to use our Nursery care opportunity during Worship Services for their children ages 4 and under will be directed to our Nursery room by an Usher.
Praise Band
Portage Faith Church is blessed in our 9:30 am Worship Services by the talent of the praise band Solid Ground, led by Steve Weinkamer.
Steve describes worship music as “blended,” a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary music. Members of Solid Ground enjoy playing a wide variety of musical styles – from older hymns, to contemporary Christian, to original compositions, to traditional hymns in contemporary settings. Currently the band consists of 6 members who love sharing their musical talents for the glory of God each week. The band is always on the lookout for others who wish to share their musical talents in church.
Current Solid Ground praise band members include:
Steve Weinkamer – guitar, keyboard, vocals
Chris Chaykowski – guitar, vocals
Sandy Havlena – keyboard, vocals
Jeff Barnett and Matt Ruchalski – drums
Warren Ragle – bass, banjo
Handbell Choir
Portage Faith Church occasionally enjoys the vibrant and enthusiastic talent of our handbell musicians during Christmas and Easter holiday worship. Rehearsals are held as needed on Wednesdays at 5:00 pm in the Children’s Church classroom.
Do you enjoy praising God through music?
Join our Praise Band or Handbell Choir!
Contact the Church Office to discuss how you would like to participate.
Children’s Church
Children are a welcome and vital part of our worship.
Children are invited to sit with their families. During the Worship Service, an Usher will direct the children to the Children’s Church classroom, which is located directly off the Sanctuary (see photo).
Children’s Church is not in session the First Sunday of each month, thus all children are welcome to remain in the regular Worship Service with their parents on those Sundays to participate in Holy Communion.