Happy September
2 Emily Marek
2 Claire Pierce
3 Candace Gage
6 Keegan Rupnik
10 Olivia Pfost
11 Debbie Bahr
12 Phyllis Peters
13 Ethan Gharky
15 Chris Mosher
16 Mary Kay Hluch
18 Beverly Fletcher
18 Noah Shannon
18 Madelynn Grudowski
19 Tim Taylor
19 Olivia Wilde
20 Gloria Schrecengost
20 Trinity Roberts
21 Matt Ruchalski
23 Rick Bahr
24 Steven Tibbs
26 Caroline Tipton
Happy October
2 Doug McIntosh
2 Ann Bowker
2 Calli Kotkowski
3 Elinor Rae Cope-Taylor
3 Holly Pfost
3 Charles Moore
7 Hannah Kuivila
8 Ja’Nasia Moore
10 Dorothy Horner
15 Bill Schrecengost
15 Carol McIntosh
19 Lori Davis
20 Drew Pfost
21 Dorothy Caldwell
21 Sam Grudowski
September Anniversaries
2 Tim Pearce & Tammy Seljan married 1 yr.
8 Tom & Linda Shaulis married 40 yrs.
8 Andrew & Evelyn Pfost married 26 yrs.
19 Christopher & Tina Mosher 4 yrs.
28 Randy & Kim Weingart married 39 yrs.
October Anniversaries
4 Charlie & Alice Moore married 21 yrs.
4 David & Bev Fletcher married 8 yrs.
6 Tom & Gera Kennedy married 51yrs.
11 Torrey Taylor & Lora Cope married 10 yrs.
22 Jeff & Samantha Kennedy married 13 yrs.
23 Larry & Jeanine Kuhlman 53 yrs.
1 Steve Weinkamer
8 Linda Weinkamer
15 Ted Taylor
22 Debbie Bahr
29 Doris Gharky
6 Terri Wilde
13 Kevin Pearce
20 Linda Weinkamer
27 Cindy Pearce
Altar flowers are a beautiful enhancement to our worship services and may be provided in honor or memory of a special person in your life or for an event commemorating a date that is special to you.
Thank you for the blessing of our beautiful March and April Altar Flowers:
7/7 In celebration of Kathy Lance’s birthday by the Church Family
7/21 In memory of Pat Pietro by Jane Pietro.
7/28 In honor of Jeanette and Chris Ryman’s 35th anniversary.
8/4 In celebration of the birth of Nora Darlene by great grandparents Jim and Darlene Dennis.
8/11 To the Glory of God by Sue Hoover
8/25 In Celebration of Douglas W. birthday by Doug and Carol McIntosh.
Flower arrangements are typically displayed in the Chancel area during worship services, and you are welcome to take home the flowers you provide after our Sunday 9:30 am worship service.
Altar flowers are available for $25 per arrangement.
Please call at least one week in advance to allow us to place your name on our schedule. Or you can write your name on the chart located on the bulletin board outside the Church Secretary’s office.
Once your request has been submitted to the Church Secretary via phone or email, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for payment by check. Please make your check payable to PFUMC with “Altar Flowers” in the memo line and mail to Portage Faith UMC.
For questions or if you need to change your reservation, please email us.
Thank you:
A big thank you to Drew Pfost and his Scout Troop for doing an amazing job on the staining of the fire escape and for fixing the stairs outside the church. You are very appreciated for this wonderful service.
Our Prayers & Praise invites you to actively support our Portage Faith community with prayer.
For Healing and Treatment
Denise Gharky
Shelly Spence
Jennifer Black
Andrew Pfost Sr.
Sandy Ferguson
Kathy Lance
an unknown couple
Judy Weiss
Chris Crosier
Bernie Chaykowski
Candi’s mom
Dorothy Caldwell
Carol Devos
Higgins & Barnett family
Darlene Dennis
Abi and Dorothy
Jenny Fennell
For All Other Needs
Drew Pfost safe traveling
Kandi Chaykowski
Diana’s safe return home from Florida
Pastor Bill and Diane while vacationing
Son with anxiety
Safe travel for Lil Atkinson and family
For Sympathy, Comfort and Peace
Friends and Family of Donald Smith
The Stein Family, both parents passed away
Family and friends of Judy Weiss
Family and friends of Jim Green
Praise and Thanksgiving
Todd Petrowski
Birth of Bellamy Rose Pearce
Birth of Elizabeth Raine Harbaugh
Brittany is improving
Kristi Hanford
Joe Wright receiving Conservation award
Abby having her short story published at the Reed Memorial Library
Our Portage Faith Church Prayer Chain is a source of comfort to all. It’s easy to submit your prayer request:
- Write it on the church prayer card during worship service (check “Add to prayer chain”); or
- Contact Cindy Pearce at 330-274-0507.
Also contact Cindy if you would like to be a Prayer Warrior.
Additional Concerns:
- For families who are caring for their family members with physical and mental health concerns
Psalm 121:1-2
I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
If you have any updates to your membership status, name, address, phone number, or email, please notify the church office via email or calling 330-274-8987.
We’ll be hosting a bonfire and movie night starting at 7:00 pm on Saturday, September 28, so save the date and bring a lawn chair!
Acolytes Wanted
Now that we have changed the way we bring in the light of Christ, we are in need of acolytes to light the candles. If you wish to help out with this please talk to Linda Weinkamer or Reverend Graham. You need to be eight years old and take a brief training session. There is an Acolyte calendar in the narthex to sign up on. We currently have two acolytes, but we welcome more!
More Ways to Serve
Are you searching for a way to give your time and talents in order to help Portage Faith in the mission of caring for and serving others? If you or someone you know can help in the following areas, please contact Erika Barnett.
- For the Nursery Room we would like to stream or use a speaker for the adults to either watch or just listen to the worship service live in the nursery.
- We are in need of nursery attendants.
- We are in need of a Youth Leader.